From humble beginnings
Coffs Coast Coffee is situated in Korora on the Mid North Coast of Australia, just 5 minutes north from Coffs Harbour.
Our vision and hobby has come about from the beginning with the cultivation from seedlings, which we carefully selected, and would you believe, carried around with us as a small backyard nursery while we searched for the most favourable, ideal conditions. We then planted them in the Korora rich soil, protected by the unique seaside hills of Coffs Harbour. The coffee trees soon grew to be a small boutique coffee farm with more than
3000 trees.
Coffs Coast Coffee is organically grown, hand picked and sun dried before being carefully roasted to perfection. In just a few short years we’ve expanded to include Coffee Berry Tea and Turmeric & Coffee Berry Tea, which are delicious and high in anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
Organic &
hand made
Arabica coffee
A smooth blend of 100% Arabica beans, organically grown coffee is free of chemical residues and is known to have a fuller, richer flavour than conventionally grown coffee. The antioxidants in coffee have proven health benefits, including decreasing oxidative stress in the body which can reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, and reduce inflammation in the body.
The Coffee Berry is a rich 'superfruit' tha houses the coffee beans, which has an abundance of antioxidant properties that are 10 times higher than other teas and supplements but 10% less caffeine than ordinary tea.
It has many indisputable benefits that are proven to help lead a long and healthy life. Coffee Berry helps maintain a healthy metabolism, has high antioxidant levels, is a great anti-aging supplement and assists in reducing the risk of developing diabetes.
Turmeric is known for its aniti-inflammatory and pain reducing effects. It has been claimed, by the chinese, to aid in fat metabolism. Other properties include benefits to the skin, anti-oxidant, anti-depressant and reduction of blood clotting. Grown organically, when combined with our coffee berry tea, is so pleasant and refreshing.
There’s more to a coffee berry than
you think.
It's Tea.
Say hello & grab your next bag
Come down and meet us at the Jetty Harbourside Markets for a chat on our great product. We are there fortnightly but if you run out just contact us for local pickup.
Love from Tibor & Michelle